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Advantage of amorphous linings in LRF

Source: | Author:ChangXing Refractory | Published time: 762 days ago | 635 Views | Share:
Advantage of amorphous linings in LRF

Replacing ladle magnesia-carbon bricks with amorphous linings at the bottom and side walls of the ladle brings many advantages to the steelmaking process, mainly as follows:

(1) The use time of the ladle is prolonged;

(2) The total number of ladle operations is reduced by 20%;

(3) Compared with ladle MgO-C bricks containing toxic carcinogens (phenolic resin, coal tar pitch, etc.), the castable does not have any harmful materials;

(4) Reduce the unit cost of steel production;

(5) Ultra-low carbon steel is produced in a better operating environment because there is no carbon increase in the ladle refractory;

(6) The unit consumption of refractory materials is reduced by more than 50%.

This last advantage is the most important compared to other shapeless liners.

Technically, the unit consumption of refractory materials is reduced by more than 50%, which is based on the concept of seamless lining. When the ladle is lined with magnesia-carbon bricks and when the service life of the bricks is reached, it will be replaced by a new set of MgO-C bricks. However, the situation is completely different for the unshaped liner. In the first installation, the amount of castable is the same as that of bricks. When replacing the lining at the bottom and side walls, all brick linings need to be replaced. If unshaped refractory materials are used, only part of the lining (about 40% to 60%) in contact with molten steel needs to be replaced. The inner liner will stay in place. Until the end of the ladle operation and the complete renewal of the entire lining of the ladle, including the necessary safe working layers, refractory material can be saved by using the monolithic lining. 

ladle magnesia-carbon brick

Ladle Magnesia Carbon Brick