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Invitation for METEC 2023@Hall One Stand A20

Source: | Author:ChangXing Refractory | Published time: 624 days ago | 889 Views | Share:
Invitation for METEC 2023@Hall One Stand A20

On behalf of CX Refractories, I would like to invite you to meet and discuss refractories at @Hall One Stand A20 for 11th International Metallurgical Trade Fair, METEC 2023, Düsseldorf, Germany, from June 12th to June 13th, 2023.

By meet CX Refractories during METEC 2023, you will have the opportunity to:

Gain insights: Attend informative presentations, technical sessions, and panel discussions led by industry experts, providing valuable insights into the latest metallurgical technologies, processes, and innovations.

Network: Engage in fruitful discussions and build connections with professionals from diverse sectors of the metallurgical industry, fostering collaboration and potential partnerships.

Discover Solutions: Explore the exhibition hall, where leading companies and organizations will showcase their cutting-edge products, equipment, and services, offering solutions to address industry challenges.

Enhance Knowledge: Participate in workshops, demonstrations, and interactive sessions, enabling you to expand your knowledge and stay abreast of emerging trends and best practices in the metallurgical field.

We firmly believe that your expertise and contributions will greatly enrich the METEC 2023 experience. Your presence will not only provide valuable insights to other participants but will also offer you an exceptional platform to exchange ideas, foster professional relationships, and explore new business opportunities.

We eagerly look forward to your positive response and the opportunity to welcome our CX refractories during METEC 2023. Together, let us expolore more about metallurgical industry.

Thank you for considering our invitation. We appreciate your time and consideration.

Warm regards,

CX Refractories

cx Invitation Letter