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The performance and use of high alumina bricks

Source: | Author:ChangXing Refractory | Published time: 1153 days ago | 963 Views | Share:
The performance and use of high alumina bricks
A neutral refractory with an alumina content of more than 48%. It is formed and calcined from bauxite or other raw materials with high alumina content. High thermal stability, refractoriness above 1770℃. The slag resistance is better. It is used for the lining of steel-making electric furnaces, glass melting furnaces, cement rotary furnaces, etc.    
High load and soft. Low creep and high alumina bricks are made of special grade bauxite. High-grade refractories made of fused corundum and fused mullite as main refractory raw materials. The product has small high temperature creep. Strong corrosion resistance. Good thermal shock stability and other advantages.   
1. Refractoriness    
The refractoriness of high alumina bricks is higher than that of clay bricks and semi-silica bricks, reaching 1750~1790℃, which is a high-grade refractory material.   
2. Load softening temperature    
Because high aluminum products have high Al2O3, less impurities, and less fusible glass, the load softening temperature is higher than that of clay bricks, but because mullite crystals do not form a network preparation, the load softening temperature is still not as high as that of silica bricks.   
3. Slag resistance    
High alumina bricks contain more Al2O3, which is close to neutral refractory materials, and can resist the erosion of acidic slag and alkaline slag. Because it contains SiO2, the ability to resist alkaline slag is weaker than that of acidic slag.   

The use of high alumina bricks   

High alumina bricks are mainly used for the lining of blast furnaces, hot blast furnaces, electric furnace roofs, blast furnaces, reverberatory furnaces, and rotary kilns. In addition, high alumina bricks are also widely used as open hearth regenerative checker bricks, plugs for pouring systems, nozzle bricks, etc. However, the price of high alumina bricks is higher than that of clay bricks, so it is not necessary to use high alumina bricks where clay bricks can meet the requirements.