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Guide for selection of refractory insulation bricks

Source: | Author:Changxing | Published time: 1772 days ago | 803 Views | Share:
Guide for selection of refractory insulation bricks

Fire bricks are used in high-temperature settings such as furnaces, kilns, and manufacturing facilities. They are preferred due to their thermal conductivity. Furthermore, they are ideal for reducing the amount of energy used.

How can you choose the best insulation bricks?

1) Super-Duty Firebricks
Super-duty firebricks are used for thermal insulation in higher temperatures. Many super-duty firebricks are made from a very durable and heat resistant material such as silica. Various kinds of super-duty are used in industrial settings such as the glass and steel industry.
2) High-Alumina Firebrick
High-alumina firebricks are a great choice due to their resistance to corrosion and their performance in high-temperature furnaces. They’re used in various applications like in and around blast furnaces, cement, lime, ceramic kilns, and glass tanks.
3) Insulating Firebrick
Insulating firebricks are lighter weight and used in lower temperatures. They don’t absorb the heat like other refractory bricks. However, they can be used around furnaces to trap the heat in.

No matter the application, it’s critical to select the best insulation brick for your project. While this guide may help you in selecting the ideal brick, you should always speak with a professional to ensure you’re using the appropriate firebrick. Are you looking for insulation bricks? Join the conversation to speak with an expert about which one will work best for your application.

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