ArcelorMittal, located in the Seastao factory in Spain, cooperates with Sarralle and Nippon Gases to actively respond to sustainable development challenges. A preheating system that can use green hydrogen as a fuel can be used 100%, which can help Anmi realize the "net zero emissions" of the preheating system.
According to reports, the preheating system of Amy's construction of a green hydrogen steel bag aims to improve the operating status of the company's existing steel bag heating system, replace natural gas with green hydrogen as a fuel, and minimize the carbon dioxide emissions of the preheating process of the steel bag to minimize. In addition, due to the installation of oxygen -rich burners, the nitrogen oxide emissions of the system can also be close to zero.
ArcelorMittal said that the preheating system of the steel bag uses 100%green hydrogen as a fuel, and the heating temperature meets the steel bag casting requirements. The refractory material of the steel bag is evenly heated.
After operation monitoring, the green hydrogen hydrogen heating steel bag can be used to carry out production activities according to the conventional heating curve, and the steel bag can be heated to casting temperature in a short time.