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Application of magnesia calcium refractories in AOD furnace

Source: | Author:ChangXing Refractory | Published time: 1153 days ago | 957 Views | Share:
Application of magnesia calcium refractories in AOD furnace
When MgO Cao refractories are used in AOD furnace, there is a very dense "Dali petrochemical" layer between the hot face (working face) and the original brick layer, and its thickness varies according to the type of use, usually between 25 / 100 mm. The cracks formed behind the working surface are healed due to the recrystallization of Cao in the cracks as the working surface penetrates into the interior. The importance of this discovery lies in the fact that the recrystallization of f-CaO in MgO carbon refractories makes the cracks heal in use, and promotes the formation of a very dense working surface, which limits the penetration and erosion of slag. The results show that MgO Cao refractories used in AOD furnace have good effect only when they contain a lot of f-CaO. Although the material with low CaO / MgO ratio tends to improve slag resistance, it also tends to change the physical properties of the material during use and reduce the spalling resistance of the material.
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