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Safety factors of ladle purging plug

Source: | Author:ChangXing Refractory | Published time: 377 days ago | 782 Views | Share:
Safety factors of ladle purging plug

Ladle purging plug are indispensable functional refractory materials for ladle refining, and are also one of the main refractory materials for ladle leakage. The stable production and laying of purging plug or seat bricks should be strengthened, brick types should be optimized, and operations should be standardized to enhance the safety of purging plug and achieve the purpose of preventing steel leakage.

1. Purging plug materials and stable production

Purging plug should have good high temperature performance and normal temperature performance to achieve good air permeability and reliability. Ladle purging plug usually use tabular corundum as the main raw material, adding alumina-magnesia spinel, activated alumina powder, binders and appropriate amounts of additives, as well as a small amount of additives that can form a solid solution with the main crystal phase. With proper configuration of its components, it has good service performance.

In order to stabilize the production of permeable bricks and avoid some uncertain factors in the production process, many domestic permeable brick manufacturers have successively purchased a series of advanced equipment. At present, there are computer-controlled automatic batching systems, computer-controlled automatic shakers, computer-controlled constant temperature and humidity curing kilns, computer-controlled drying kilns, and computer-controlled high-temperature firing kilns. Through the implementation of advanced instruments and equipment, many human factors are avoided.

2. Purging plug well block masonry

The sample was kept at 1100°C for 20 minutes and then air-cooled for 15 minutes. After repeating three times, the remaining bending strength was measured to obtain the residual strength retention rate after thermal shock. The samples were held at 1550°C for 3 hours. The three-point bending method is used to measure its high-temperature flexural strength. Cracks will occur under the action of high thermal stress, which will affect the normal operation of the ladle purging plug or increase the risk of steel leakage. At the same time, the construction quality of corundum self-flowing materials must be ensured, and the amount of water added must be appropriate and within a certain range. Inside. With long-term use of the spoon, the bottom of the spoon will deform. In order to prevent the bottom of the seat brick from hanging in the air, it is necessary to lay dry materials or use corundum self-flowing material at the bottom of the seat brick to ensure that the bottom of the seat brick is as dense and flat as possible.

3. Oxygen-burning maintenance of purging plug

During the hot repair process of the ladle, oxygen needs to be burned on the purging plug to clean the residual steel and residue on the surface of the purging plug to ensure the breathability of the purging plug. When burning oxygen, try to ensure the smoothness of the working surface of the ladle purging plug to avoid local excessive burning of the permeable bricks, which may lead to misjudgment of the remaining height of the permeable bricks. Not only will the service life of the ladle permeable bricks be reduced, but it will also lead to the risk of steel leakage during use.

ladle permeable bricks

Ladle Purging Plug